Three different Canadian Regional Taikai took place this year during the months of October and November. See below for the results of each one!
Toronto Regional Taikai
October 30 was the Toronto Regional Engi Tournament!
It was a busy 10-match round robin engi tournament and everyone had the opportunity to shinpan for multiple matches. We hope everyone had the chance to show off what they’ve been working on and to practice being shinpan. Special thanks to Mary-Kate Proud for organizing the tournament.
Congratulations to:
- 1st Place: Tianyu Zhang & Lutan Liu
- 2nd Place: Juliette Lee & Tomas Almonte
- 3rd Place: Mirage Wu & Victor Lu
Edmonton Regional Taikai
November 30 was the Edmonton Regional Tournament!
It was a peer-ranked uchikaeshi, engi, and kakari keiko tournament. Everyone had two attempts to try and improve their score where the highest scores counted towards a total. Excited to see everyone incorporate their feedback into regular practice for the next tournament! Special thanks to Alan McDougall for organizing the event.
Top scorers:
- 1st Place: Dan Bouchard
- 2nd Place: Alan McDougall

Montreal Regional Taikai
Nov 13-14 was the Montreal Regional Tournament.
It was a shiai and engi tournament each with two pools of round robin. We were excited to see such an amazing turn out, and especially to welcome McGill Naginata beginners to their first tournament ever! Everyone had the opportunity to shinpan and to help run the tournament. Special thanks to Marija Landekic for organizing the event.
- 1st Place: Marija Landekic
- 2nd Place: Simon Bruins
- 3rd Place: Kevin Hallé
- 1st Place: Simon Bruins & William Choi
- 2nd Place: Marija Landekic & Julia Luo
- 3rd Place: Jérémy Frandon & Akiko Nakagawa
Fighting Spirit: Akiko Nakagawa
Congratulations and we hope everyone had fun!