2023 Canadian Winter Classic Results

March 4th was the 5th Annual Canadian Winter Classic tournament. CWC is our yearly community taikai focused on fostering connection between dojos and ranks, and on providing the opportunity for everyone to have shinpan, shiai-kyogi, and engi-kyogi experience. This year we were excited to have participation from 7 Canadian dojos: Québec, Montréal, Rosemont, Concordia, McGill, UofT, and JCCC Naginata clubs! We were glad to welcome new faces and say hello again to our regulars.
It was a great tournament to kick off our last year of training leading up to 2024 World’s! Thank you to Marija Landekic for organizing this tournament. And now, the results:
Engi-kyogi 4kyu & below:
- 1st: Emma Cheung & Ali Mohammed Javed
- 2nd: Taiga Jay & Chloe Hugla
- 3rd: Fabio Sasseron & Héloïse Joffreau
- 1st: Kevin Hallé & William Choi
- 2nd: Tomas Almonte & Jordan Macklem
- 3rd: Sam Zhou & Audrey Sassi
Shiai-kyogi (individuals):
- 1st: Jordan Macklem
- 2nd: Tomas Almonte
- 3rd: Kevin Hallé
Shiai-kyogi (teams):
- 1st: Lutan Liu, Kevin Hallé, François Couture-Hebert, Jason Lujan
- 2nd: Grace Yoo, Julia Luo, Banrong Hu, Martin Dauphinais
- 3rd: Tomas Almonte, Joy Meng, Philippe Mercier, Jonathan Lee
Best Match: Audrey Sassi vs Banrong Hu (Shiai-kyogi)
Fighting Spirit: Grace Yoo and Banrong Hu
Best Student Shinpan: Joy Meng
Congratulations to everyone!