
Once again, the Canadian Naginata National Championships and seminar have come to a close.

The turn out this year was the biggest to date with over 60 Senshu from across Canada representing 6 Dojos showing to compete and grade.

The results are as follows:

Dangai Engi:
1st Place: M. Sneyd/ A. Lim (UTNC)
2nd Place: A. McDougall/ A. Boyd (Edmonton)
3rd Place: A. Lin/ L. Liu (UTNC)

Dangai Shiai:
1st Place: A. McDougall (Edmonton)
2nd Place: A. Boyd (Edmonton)
3rd Place: A. Lin (UTNC)

Yudansha Engi:
1st Place: Y.Crépeau/ J.F. Brisson (Montreal)
2nd Place: J. Chalifour/ M. Dozois (Montreal)
3rd Place: J. Macklem/ T. Almonte (JCCC)

Yudansha Shiai:
1st Place: M. Landekic (McGill)
2nd Place: T. Almonte (JCCC)
3rd Place: A. Fromentin (Montreal)

Team Shiai:
1st Place: M. Landekic/ A. Lim/ D. Wang
2nd Place: M. Phan/ S. Bruins/ B. Luong
3rd Place: J. Macklem/ L. Liu/ A. Klein/ J F. Brisson

Fighting Spirit: Noah Panagakos (Hudson)


Canada was also honored to have two American Sensei oversee the operation and assist with grading and overseeing the seminar and would like to thank both Takami Tanner-Sensei and Ellery Engalla-Sensei for all the hard work they put in for the benefit of the Canadian Federation.

As for the gradings, they were a complete success and Canada can now count amongst its ranks:

4 New Ni-Dan: J. Macklem, M-K. Proud, M. Phan, and S. Bruins

2 New Sho-Dan: A. Lin, and D. Bjorkquist

3 New Ikkyu: R. Yang, A. McDougall, and A. Boyd

As well as many new Nikyu-Yonkyus.

Congratulations to all and practice hard in the coming year!


  • October 24, 2016

The Canadian Naginata Federation is pleased to announce its newest Dojo!

McGill University is now up and running, lead by two talented individuals M.Landekic and S.Bruins.

Please check out their website for more details and enrolment inquiries; mcgillnaginata.com

  • January 20, 2016

The Canadian Naginata Federation now has Official Social Media Accounts;

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CAN_Naginata?s=09

Instagram: https://instagram.com/canadian_naginata/


  • November 18, 2015